Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Spring!

Okay...I've been a little slack about posting on my blog this week. I have good excuses, though, I promise. Tuesday, I had some out-patient surgery, and I have been taking it easy the rest of the week. My parents visited Wednesday and brought us food! Aren't they great? Mom brought a huge tub of pulled pork for barbeque sandwiches, which will last a couple of weeks at least. She also brought cream-style corn (from dad's garden), homemade vegetable soup, and cornbread. And to top it off...they brought the most scrumptious peanut butter pound cake! Oh my gosh! It was delish!!!! Also, the kids are back in baseball...full swing! Jonathan has practice 4 nights per week. So things have been kind of busy lately.
I did want to get out in the yard and get some pictures today. It was a gorgeous first day of spring...the sky was an unbelievable shade of blue, and everywhere you look, things are beginning to bloom. Here are some peeks into our yard today.
Ed's trying to sow some grass in the front bare spots. As you can see below, it's starting to come up nicely!

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